Curriculum Vitae
My Name is Xuehang Wang. I am an assistant professor at the Department of Radiation Science and Technology, TU Delft. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and was a postdoctoral researcher at Drexel University, mentored by Prof. Yury Gogotsi. Since 2015, I have published > 40 peer-reviewed papers with an H-index of 27. I have also won several personal/team awards, including DOE EFRC Team Science Award, Cotswold Postdoc Fellowship, ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, and RSC Horizon Prize. My research interests include: the mechanistic study on high-rate electrochemical energy storage processes; synthesis of novel nanomaterials, especially transition metal carbide/nitride MXene, for batteries and supercapacitors; and interfacial engineering at the electrode-electrolyte interfaces.
Professional Appointments
Career-track Assistant Professor
Storage of Electrochemical Energy
Department of Radiation Science and Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Postdoctoral Researcher
1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering and A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, US
Supervisor: Prof. Yury Gogotsi
2. Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport Center
Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC), US Department of Energy (DOE)
Center Director: Prof. Sheng Dai and Dr. David J. Wesolowski
3. Cotswold postdoc fellow
Selected Honors and Awards
2024 Open Competition Domain Science-M
2022 NWO Open Competition Science - XS
2021 Team member of the 2021 Horizon Prize, Faraday Division, Royal Society of Chemistry
2020 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, US Cotswold Foundation
2019 Team Science Award, EFRC PI Meeting, Office of Science, US Department of Energy
2017 National Excellent Graduate Student Studying Abroad, China Scholarship Council
Education Background
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Thesis: Porous carbon prepared by chemical activation for high-energy supercapacitors in ionic liquid electrolyte
Supervisors: Prof. De Chen (NTNU) and Dr. Edel Sheridan (SINTEF)
M.S. and B.S., Chemical Engineering
East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China
Supervisor: Prof. Xinggui Zhou
Teaching and Supervision Experience
2022-now Teaching activity at TU Delft
Lecturer: Masters' courses of Applied Physics
CH3222 Storage of Electrochemical Energy (Q2); AP3333 Physics of energy material (Q1)
Lecturer: Bachelors’ courses of Applied Physics
TN2625 statistic physics (Q4)
2021-now Supervision activity at TU Delft
(full list see Team)
2021 Book chapter
Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, 00015, Elsevier.
C. Chen, Y. Gao, X. Wang. Ion intercalation process in MXene pseudocapacitors with aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes.
2020-now Online knowledge sharing
Established a Youtube channel “EChem Channel” and started recording online courses. The site includes online courses, research stories, and tutorials for new researchers.
(>40 videos, > 30,0000 views, >6000 subscribers at the time)
2018-2020 Supervision activity at Drexel University, US
Mentored 4 undergraduate students (for CO-OP and STAR program) and co-supervised 5 Ph.D. students
2019 Teaching activity at Drexel University, US
Student recitation: Fundamentals of Materials (ENGR 220)
2013-2015 Teaching activity at NTNU, Norway
Student recitation: Chemical Reaction Engineering (TKP4110)
2014-now Referee for Journals
Nature Communications, Joule, Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Nano, Matter, Energy Storage Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Matter, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Nanoscale, Carbon, Chemistry-A European Journal, Ionics, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Advanced Sustainable Systems and Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Chemical Engineering Journal, etc.
2021-now Committee Member for Ph.D., master, and bachelor defenses
2024 Symposium co-organizer of MRS 2024 spring
2023 Symposium co-organizer of MRS 2023 fall
2023 Workshop Leading Organizer Lorentz Center Workshop on 2D materials for energy storage
2022 Guest Editor of Small Methods, Wiley
Special Issue Title: MXene Chemistry and Applications
2021-2023 Open Science Officer in the RST, TU Delft
2021 Guest Editor of MDPI
Special Issue Title: Nanomaterials-Based Energy Storage Devices (ISSN 2072-666X)
2020 Referee for Books
Springer and CRC Press/Taylor & Francis
2019 A-Team Thrust 3 Group Leader